Thursday 26 July 2012

Introducing De Nu Nu and Lulu ............

Whilst out shopping in the agricultural shop we spotted some lovely baby terrapins swimming around so cutely. As we have just finished building our little fish pond we thought it would make a lovely home for these little terrapins. We bought 2 and they settled in very quickly and were soon amusing us with their little antics of having a swim then climbing out onto the rocks to sunbathe and nibbling on the various insects that have met their demise in the pond. We have named them De Nu Nu and Lulu!!

We have seen quite a variety of different creatures since moving here, some of which we have previously mentioned (snakes and scorpions), lots of geckos but this week we had a praying mantis lurking outside our front door, some beautiful butterflies in the garden, and a strange looking wolf/wild dog or fox crossing the road (really no idea what that was!)

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