Sunday 22 July 2012

our planned fishing lake

Hi all just a quickie on our plans for our fishery, which we will be starting to construct over the winter period,or maybe early springtime, depending on what the weather may bring.
We have now had a few projected costings and according to "our neighbours in the know" we should encounter few if any problems, as they have informed us no planning permission is required, so things should be relatively straightforward.
We have a plot of land three minutes walk away from our house, which is perfect for us in terms of locality and maintenance purposes.
The JCB digger comes in at 35euro's per hour and should take around a day and a half to complete, and the carp are around 350-400 euro per thousand, the only unknown cost at present is the aerators,i think these will have to purchased from the uk and transported over here.
We will keep you all updated on how things progress, and here are a few pics on the site of the fishery, which will be open to match bookings and pleasure anglers alike.

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