Monday 9 July 2012


Hi everyone imagine a place, a place you want to be,imagine waking up every morning without fail to clear blue skies from 6am, alfresco breakfasts,outdoor lunches,dinners on the terrace,anything upto 9pm, you know from being on hols how wonderful the feel good factor is just from having the sun on your back.
The scenery also can offer you anything to rival scotland, ireland,cornwall etc etc,it really is stunning here when you get out and about and off the beaten path.
Take on board also the fact you can almost grow any fruit/veg your heart desires,along with plenty of grapes to harvest for your winemaking,a few chickens for eggs or the table!!! and you can probably see how we feel we are truly living the dream!!.
To anyone who has ever aspired to live this kind of life, don't let the knockers knock you down, and ignore the doomers and gloomers, bad economy,no work oppertunities etc etc on and on, believe in your dreams and your fantasies and always follow what is truly in your heart.
Whichever place may do it for you france,spain,portugal greece and the rest of europe,if opportunity offers the chance, grab it with both hands and even if you fail in your new life at least you have had the balls to give it a try.
A few scenic pics for you all to look at.

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