Friday 6 July 2012

"Our neighbours and friends"

Not much to report this week, again we have been slogging it out in the front garden, will post next week on our progress with the patio and show pictures.

Two lovely days off now, tomorrow its fun day, visiting a couple we met last weekend at a BBQ, calling in at a fiesta in their nearby village and then (my treat) on to the outdoor swimming pool for a lovely, lovely swim and sunbathe!!!!! Can't wait.

Sunday is also a treat day too, we have been invited for Sunday lunch to a lovely couple we have met who are from our home town (Nottingham) together with Luisa and John, so its a definite "down tools weekend" for me but I know Rob won't be able to resist picking up his tools to do a "a couple hours.of pointing" on the patio.

Here are a few photos of our lovely neighbours, who we shall always be grateful to for their support, kindness and genorosity, love to them all.

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