Wednesday 18 July 2012

Rob's Pointing in Heaven ......!!!!!

This month (July) has played havoc with our laying stone for the patio, quite simply it is too darned hot!!!!! This week we are having another heatwave with temperatures reaching up to 40 degrees and night temperatures between 21 - 26 degrees which gives you nightmares before even attempting to think about trying to get some sleep! With only a couple of hours in the morning to attempt doing a "few mixes" to lay stone before it gets too hot and doing a couple of hours "pointing" in the evening, the progress on the patio seems to be taking forever. However, here are a couple of up to date pictures showing the progress we have made with the patio:-


The upside to being "forced to knock-off work" has given us time to have a little fun. We have been to a lovely spot with friends to do a bit of fishing and cooking alfresco breakfast of bacon and egg butties washed down with tea, jetting off on the quadbike, and some splashing around in the swimming pool.

Cooling off in the pool

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