Monday 2 July 2012

Wacky races!!!!!

Hi everyone this is just a quick post to say we have finally managed to accomplish the fifth gear speedslide (grin 'n' bear it) roundabout routine!!!.

We have as you all know now been here around four months and are used to driving on quiet roads, winding country roads sometimes getting behind some old dear driving at 20 mph or getting behind a tractor laden with his precious vegetation driving at minimal speed, sometimes driving on the dual-carriageways or motorways with very little traffic which is bliss. However we had a day out to a major city about 150 kilometres away and was rudely reminded of an old annoyance (which we had almost forgotten about) called "road rage"!!!

As a result of being in the thrust of "city driving portuguese style" we have now gained the same confidence in regard to driving techniques, which roughly translates as,,,, approach a roundabout at 60mph dont bother looking for other vehicles and if you are unlucky enough to encounter one just apply the handbrake and skid through and carry on regardless, it really is good fun, just hope 'n' pray nothing is coming your way and you will be fine.

We cannot understand why Portugal has not had a fantastic history of world rally or grand Prix drivers, unbelievable (maybe they have done one roundabout too many eh!!!!!.
Also if a traffic sign says 50kph not mph ignore it and go as fast as your vehicle is capable of ( anything approaching 150kph will do)i really love driving here pure unadultered joy, bring over your evo or porche and i guarantee you will have the most fun ever on the virtually traffic free twisty hilly roads, but hope you never meet a local on a shopping mission because they wont give an inch and believe that both sides of the road is their own.

Joking aside though, it really is an absolute pleasure to drive here, if you are fortunate for long enough not to get unlucky and meet an on-coming car on your side of the road!!!!.

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