Wednesday 8 August 2012

August .... Festival month!!!

August appears to be the main holiday month here in Portugal. We are seeing lots of new faces in the village, some are tourists but mainly it sees the return of locals who grew up in the village have now moved with their families and are working and living in cities, (Lisbon and Oporto) but still have homes in the village (or their parents' homes). The villages are bursting into life with festivals (festas) after festas. Quite often these festas are 4-day events with a programme of activities which include parades (some religious) some beauty contests, arts and crafts, musical bands, dance parties, street parties, market stalls, food stalls and plenty of wine and beer tents!!!!

These are the flyers for our village "Montes Da Senhora" and a nearby village "Conqueirios"

Adega Nights!!!!!

As almost everyone locally grows their own vines for winemaking nearly every home has a wine cellar which is known as an "Adega". We have vines in our garden and plot and also have an Adega but unfortunately don't have the knowledge to brew our own wine so we will pass on our grapes to those who do!!! We obviously have to address this, but as wine seems to be in "abundance" anyway it may be a wise move for us not to address this!!!

Last Friday and Saturday nights we had invites to Adegas. Friday night saw us at Jose's (a good neighbour and friend). We had the usual vinho tinto (red wine) and was treated to Wild Boar (hunted and killed in the Alenjeto area) by Jose himself. The meat had been braised in a delicious spicy tomato sauce and served with bread. Followed by bread and cheese.

Saturday was an earlier evening event in an Adega up in the mountains (about 4/5 kilometres away. It was hosted by our friend (Joe Padairo) known as "Joe the Baker" who had freshly killed two chickens which were cooked on the BBQ and served with a salad of freshly picked tomatoes and onions, freshly home-baked bread with home-made cheese to follow. It was delicious but we were left "hanging" the next morning as the home-brew wine is poured into you in copious amounts!!!! (and you are not allowed to refuse any when offered)!!!!! The original party consisted of 6 people but gradually as word spread the party grew to about 12 or 13 (can't remember exactly). One was a good friend, Dino, who turned up with his mate to play their accordians and gave us a few renditions of their made-up songs (Portuguese rapping!!!)which allows them to poke fun at each other in a harmonious and humourous way!!!

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