Tuesday 24 March 2015

Where can we get some shade??? Build a summerhouse !!!!

The beginning of March brought with it lots of warm sunshine, hotter than usual for the time of year (and very welcome it was after a cold spell in the winter) which made us realize that we now have very little shade from the hot summer sun. Last year we transformed the back garden from a jungle of weeds into a private relaxing garden which offered us no shade at all so we bought a wind sail for some shade which sorted that one out. We also made a small patio area with an hole to put in a big parasol in our front garden for relaxing but really we need somewhere to eat outside that would always be in the shade. There are certain times of the day in the height of summer when the sun is out on the veranda for most of the day which makes dining on there uncomfortable.
One of the loveliest features which we liked when we bought the house was the magnificent orange/lemon tree in the front garden which was huge and produced lovely fruit and, it also gave us a good amount of shade on the front garden at various times of the day. However what came with that was the daily task of picking up dropped fruits when in season and the mess from blossom and leaves, and finally last year the sparrows decided to descend on the tree and used it for nesting. No problem with that until the patio developed a carpet of bird droppings and no matter how many times it was swilled away the next day it was back and also the chorus at roosting time for 10 minutes was almost deafening! So after much debate it was decided the tree had to go!!! A couple of years ago the tree was well pruned back but all that did was to give it a new zest for life and once again it was getting well out of hand. It was obvious that the tree would be an ongoing problem for us so seeing as we didn't want to pay for a tree surgeon and we knew it was a very demanding task for ourselves to undertake but, as we do, we took it on with great precipitation and got stuck in. I must admit it was quite scary for Rob up on the ladder with a chainsaw and me at the footing the ladder wondering if I was going to be killed but we did manage to come out of it without any injuries other than aching limbs and without damaging the patio. It did provide us with a good amount of wood to burn on the fire but also left us with an enormous amount of branches and fruit which had to be wheelbarrowed down to the plot and burnt safely.
Picture showing orange and lemon tree in front of house (this was 18 months after it had been pruned back)

Rob trimming off with the pruners before tackling it with the chain saw.
It did in fact take quite a few attempts to cut down the tree as it was such hard work, it also too demanding for our chainsaw - snapped the pullchord and broke the chain, so now it has been repaired we need to ask someone with a more powerful chainsaw to cut the trunk down for us!!!!
The tree as it stands now

And so for our next project .............we decided to build ourselves a summerhouse with a roof to keep out the sun but with open walls and frontage for the light and air. Once finished we will be able to put up some curtain netting to protect us from the annoying flies and hopefully get some now peaceful rest out in the fresh air!
We have started this project and you will be able to read our progress on the next blog!

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