Tuesday 7 April 2015

Building the summerhouse

And so the building of the summerhouse began and thankfully our neighbour very kindly lent us his cement mixer for which we were extremely grateful as we knew we were in for a lot of hard "grunt" work!
This is Rob's first attempt at building an actual structural building with a roof on it and he did have some concerns regarding the tiling but decided to go for it and give it his best shot!
The design for the summerhouse is simply a full back wall with the two sides half walled to allow in light and air. The frontage will be open, having three pillars to support the roof. The pillars will be clad in pedra (stonand the walls will be rendered and painted. The floor will be tiled in rustic tiles and the roof will be tiled in traditional terracotta tiles.
Firstly we pegged out for the base, dug out the earth ready for the foundations for the pillars and laid them in concrete.
Build stages of summerhouse.

First blocks down for the three pillars

Sides and back

Decided to add on a flower bed to the side.

The next blog shows pictures of the concrete roof beams and tiles on.

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