Sunday 1 March 2015

Charlie's Bar up and running !!!!!!!!!

Restoration of the wine cellar is now finished and waiting for friends and family to come and have a drink or two for no reasons other than having a sociable gathering!!!!

Our Adega isn't quite the same as a traditional Portuguese style Adega, but looks more like a quirky little "drinking den". We shall no doubt be grumbled at by our locals for not keeping the authentic character of a local traditional Adega, but they will always be welcome to come and have a "pinga pinga" (drink) with us.

Rob has used pedra (stone) on the walls to give it some character and rendered the in-between bits and painted them white. After digging out the earth and leveling out the floor he used the same pedra to cover the floor. The bench seat walls were made out of breeze blocks, filled in with rubble and the seats were made out of unpolished granite. The sandy stone we used to cover the breeze-block wall housing the original wine press was bought down in the Algarve and transported back home. This sandy coloured stone is very common on the Algarve but quite difficult and much more expensive to acquire in the central region. We have always liked this colour and thought it would contrast nicely with the colour of the traditional stone in our area.

Our previous blog shows pictures of these works being carried out and the next pictures show further progress being made to achieve it's final look. The previous blog shows how the cellar looked originally.

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