Wednesday 14 January 2015

Update on the loft conversion

Progress on the loft conversion has slowed down over the last month with the intervention of the Christmas and New Year celebrations and we have also been hindered by a late delivery of plumbing materials and fitting. However, we are still pleased with the way it is coming together and once the plumber has finished his side of things we can move on to the final works and closure on this job - (thankfully) is the first word that comes into my head!!! It has been a hard project with so much work to do as we started with bare brick and wood, but we are confident the result will be well worth it and hopefully friends and family will enjoy a stay with us and we may consider lettings.

Since our last blog we have completed the laminated flooring and most of the floor tiling, apart from a few tiles which need to finish off when the shower and the vanity unit are fully fitted. The plumbing for the pipework which has had to be piped downstairs to the water tank is almost complete and all that's left is fitting the toilet and sink basin and finishing off the electrics for the shower. The tiling and stonework on the stairs have been finished and once all the dust (which is always endless) begins to disappear the final sealing all the stonework can be done. A final coat of paint is needed and a few other little odds and sods need addressing and we are well close to completion. We have sited some furniture and fittings but until all the work and mess in out of the way this will have be finished off once we are are that stage.
Views outside from the velux window

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