Wednesday 14 January 2015

Bring on 2015 !!!!!!!!!!!!

Firstly Rob and myself would like to wish all our viewers and happy and healthy 2015!

This year our Christmas plans had to be changed as sadly we couldn't share it with our friends here owing to illness so it was just me and him and eat and drink! Traditionally the locals celebrate their Christmas on Christmas Eve with dinner at 8 pm opening xmas presents, followed by lighting bonfires in different locations around the village, midnight mass, then celebrating with copious amounts of vino and food, being consumed late through the night outside at the bonfires! However, we managed to fall asleep (the telly was boring!) before the late celebrations began to take place and unfortunately for the New Year's Eve celebrations as I was unwell so missed out on that too!!!
However, celebrating on your own means you don't have to go to too much trouble so we enjoyed a morning full of skypes and telephone calls with family and friends, ate a scrummy christmas dinner and then toddled off to the cafe for more alcohol. We have had a beautiful December mainly full sun and clear blue skies and Christmas was no exception. A few frosty nights have been endured but it does repay you with temperatures sometimes reaching 16/17 degrees where you can sit outside and enjoy the sunny rays.
I am posting a few pics of our christmas day to share with you !!!

Winter fish pond with lazy fish

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