Saturday 15 November 2014

Veranda has been tiled

We have been wanting to do this job for ages, mainly for our benefit to make the veranda look nicer and another to stop rain penetrating through to the cellar walls underneath during the winter. So this year we decided it would be a "nice job" to do through the summer at a steady pace, and can almost say we enjoyed it until the tediousness of the grouting (my job) kicked in and with a fractured bone in my foot, gradually turned a nice job into grit my teeth and get on with it!
Well we are very pleased with the result it felt quite strange walking on them, almost like a cushion floor rather than concrete. We got the tiles through our local builder's merchant at a good price and we think it works well with Rob's idea to do the insteps in pedra (local stone) to compliment the pedra on the base walls to the house and patio.

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