Tuesday 12 November 2013

Veggie Delights

Really relishing our home-grown veggies at the moment - even though we are novices at veggie growing, I am pleased and proud to say that we haven't done badly at all this year with our produce. We had an abundance of tomatoes from six plants and even after munching our way through fresh ones all summer I have even managed to chop and freeze probably about 15 - 20 kilos for winter curries and chillis, etc. Unfortunately our onion stock is very low now but I have put in about 60 and have room to plant some more and keeping fingers crossed I am as successful with these as the last crop. Red peppers and hot chilli peppers are still coming strong and today we had a chicken dinner with a plateful of roasted parsnips, red peppers, peas and a cauliflower and leek bake with cheese sauce all picked today fresh from the garden (except the peas which had been frozen earlier in the year).

How satisfying to enjoy the real flavours of these home-grown veggies, the taste is way superior to supermarket veggies which have been picked and stored for heaven knows how long - it is so worth the effort to plant, weed and harvest !!!!!!!!

My first ever home-grown cauliflower - well chuffed !!!!!
Butternut squash, chilli peppers, cauliflowers, parsnips, leeks, red peppers, beetroot

And to top it this week we have had some glorious days with full sunshine and temperatures reaching 22 degrees and no wind. Perfect to be weeding and reaping !!!!!!!!!!!

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