Friday 29 November 2013

The Loft Conversion has commenced !!!!!!!!!!!!

Now we have completed the floor we live on the time has come to bring new life into the loft and I (Caz) must say that this is one project I was not particularly going to enjoy the challenge of doing - "endure" me thinks is a more appropriate word!!!The entrance to the loft is from the hallway on the main living floor with the staircase already in place we will be creating two bedrooms with a lounge and shower room. The loft has been crying out to be insulated both for keeping the heat out in the summer and the cold out during the winter.

Rob was full of enthusiasm for this project and so we commenced the arduous task about a month ago and, can now say, that at after a month at it, and at this particular moment in time, after a gruelling week for Rob (doing his dreaded "electrical side of things") and now onto some intricate and fiddling ceiling cladding, his sense of humour has now almost diminished and the air is mostly blue and I am just pleased that most of our neighbors do not speak English (although I guess they can imagine just from his tone) that his patience is wearing thin!!!!

Firstly it was a trip into town for certain materials and several deliveries from our local builder's merchant and wood merchant for plasterboard, wood, insulation, etc., etc., Then the fun started to commence and, to be fair, it didn't seem too bad. Just tedious!!!!!! Cutting polystyrene insulation to size and fitting between the beams, sawing wood to fit batons, measuring, cutting plasterboard, passing screws, drilling holes, treating timber, plastering, filling up holes, sweeping up, and sweeping up again and again, and that's just to mention a few of the tedious jobs and then, of course, being up against it as all the original timber beams, walls, floors, etc., are never square or equal !!!!!!!
A couple of pics here showing how the loft looked originally. The previous owners never had it finished off sadly!
A few pics showing the progress :- Bedroom 2 has pine timber cladding to the roof and 2 walls plasterboarded, the other two walls will be rendered and stipled and painted.
Bedroom 1 below has plasterboard cladding with the outer wall being stipled and painted and a new double glazed window will be fitted later :-

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