Monday 11 November 2013


Hi everyone,

The old saying "good things come to those who wait" - has at long last well and truly come good! It has been a struggle for me to acquire information on local venues for my type of fishing, partly because there doesn't to be many anglers around on a more professional basis but I have now located and have become a member with the fishing club through the internet in Castelo Branco. A couple of the anglers in the Club have put me onto venues which are paying rich dividends. Two venues are within 30 minutes drive from where we live and are absolutely exceptional. They are more like the venues I am used to back in the U.K. i.e. good car access enabling parking behind the pegs and concrete platforms to fish from.

Fishing competitions are held regularly at these two venues which makes me a very happy chappy for the forthcoming season. As I have said before I am only willing to disclose the locations to my personal friends as it has taken a tremendous amount of groundwork to discover these places.

Here are a few pictures of my last visit where I caught 18 carp, 1 crucian carp and 4 barbel, the carp ran upto 8 kilos (17 lbs) which is great "fun on the pole" and requires a lot of skill to land these naturally bred wild fighting carp!! In total I caught around 60+ kilos (around 130 lbs) of fish.

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