Monday 27 May 2013

Magical May 16th.... The wait is finally over!!!!

As anyone who knows me will tell you fishing is my ultimate passion, and i have been going since being knee high to a grasshopper, coming up 40 years now, and have been eagerly awaiting the opening day of the fishing season here in Portugal.
For the fourteen months we have been here in Portugal i haven't had the opportunity or time to go fishing due to work issues and I also didn't get to bring my fishing tackle over until November of last year, and it has been the longest ever in my life that I haven't cast a line, so to speak.
Having spent hours searching and locating the ideal location I have at last found the perfect place, not too far away, and it is absolutely stuffed full of naturally bred wild carp and achega (river bass),the exact location of which I will only reveal to close friends and locals.
On our first visit (with brother and friends we blanked, only managing one bite and immediately got snapped off, 2nd visit we achieved 15 carp and on the 3rd visit managed 30 plus carp so we have finally cracked it and I am sure with further sessions we will catch more and more fish for sure, as it takes time to get to know a venue and the various depths, mood swings etc, etc of such.
Anyhow here are a few pics to show - I know not everyone is interested in fishing so I won't bore you all to death!!!!, so till next time tight lines.....

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