Sunday 26 May 2013

"Family Time" and digging out the new fish pond

No posts over the last 6 weeks as we have been busy having family staying over and, at last, have been taking time off (well at least I have achieved it) apart of course from cooking for my guests and being a great host!!!! Rob, however, couldn't resist the lure of a spade and a bag of cement and with the help of my brother Rob, they decided to get stuck in and start digging out for the new fish pond. After a few beers to discuss their planning strategy, they quickly dug out for the foundations and it soon began to take shape. The best place for the pond it was decided was to be in front of the shed which was used by the previous owners as either a chicken pen or an aviary so the metal caging was removed (which will later be used to create a "greenhouse" to germinate my seeds). The shed exterior will be clad partly in stone and painted to pretty it up and the shed itself will be used for gardening tools.

We intend bringing a filter box from our pond back home in the UK and the butyl lining can be purchased from here. The exterior walls of the pond are to be clad in stone with a marble pathway to the rear. The fish for the pond will be caught by Rob from our local rivers and the next blog will be about Rob's fishing adventures !!!!!!

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