Saturday 9 June 2012

Update on outdoor works ............

Our work attentions are now firmly focused on the exterior of the house and garden. We have almost completed the front side of the house, but so much time is taken up in sorting out the stone for the cladding as it comes on a pallet in various widths and lengths. The original colour of the house was extremely drab and dreary so we have cheered it up by painting it white with a lime green trim in keeping with the traditional way. The lower part all the way round is being cladded in stone and slate which is looking extremely nice bearing in mind it is Rob's first attempt at anything like this! We are having some scaffolding dropped off by our local builder's merchant, Miguel, free of charge, this week so we can commence painting the gable ends, this will make it so much easier for us as hanging off a ladder with a paint tray and roller is not one of Rob's strongest points, especially as Rob is a "no goer" with heights!!!! On the lower level of the house we thought it would be nice to include a mosaic in the cladding which ended up being a dolphin (for those of you who can't quite make it out that is what it is!!) Seeing as neither of us as any artistic flair whatsoever, we are quite pleased with the end result. Moving onto the garden, we have been making plans for the patio and have now marked out and have started digging out the first quarter section. This is going to be a "slow and arduous task" as it's hard graft hand digging and moving the earth out by bucket and spade! Our top of the range wheel barrow is still earning its keep and we are hoping we don't wear it out as it will become a planter in the garden (as a momentum to us!) A few pics of the garden and trees

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