Friday 15 June 2012

One down three to go!!!!!!

This week we can now see the result of our last 4 weeks hard graft. The front side of the house is virtually finished with the exception of tiling the veranda floor which won't be happening until the "other 3 sides" have been finished. Here is a "before" and "after" picture and we are well pleased with the outcome!

We have also had a very "fruitful" week. We have been given more and more cherries this week which obviously means they have been turned into another jumbo sized cherry crumble and now thankfully found its way into the freezer as our waist size is increasing on a daily basis! More jam is to be made shortly!

Next the huge orange and lemon tree which stands in front of our house has (not really by choice) had to be drastically cut back by Rob's new fishing mate with his chainsaw, who also was kind enough to bring his tractor to plough our overgrown allotment, which will now mean that the olive, fruit trees and vines will thrive and bear good fruit.

One of Rob's besty's, Jose, has also come up trumps this week as he is sorting out getting our olive tree stump removed so we can carry on with the laying of the patio and also he is supplying, free of charge, all the wood for our planned pergola. Our neighbour's kindness and helpfulness is always amazing us!

As you can see from the flags we are supporting both England and Portugal in the European Championship, so fingers crossed for England tonight!

That's all for now, please keep viewing, we have to date had over 1,000 hits so thanks everyone for tuning in!!!

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