Wednesday 21 March 2012


Hi folks, we are 10 days in now and feel absolutely blessed to be here.  Words can't explain what a privilege it is to be in a country where people are so warm, welcoming and friendly and it feels like going back to the "good old days" in Blighty when families and friends came before materialistic things.

Renovation works are coming on a treat.  It has taken us a while tracking down locations and stores for materials but we are now well on top of it.

We have already made friends with quite a few neighbours, they are so welcoming and keep supplying us with their home grown produce.

Things have been extremely hectic for us but we will find the time to keep the blog updated on a more regular basis once we start slowing our work pace down!!!

Please email us to let us know you are following our  blog with a quick hello!!
That's all for now folks!

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