Sunday 25 March 2012

Another interesting day for us

Hi everyone another strange but rewarding day today, we went out stone collecting to replenish our stocks, firstly at the river beach and then onto the woods. It is going to be an on-going task to collect enough to complete the building of our great "wall of china" and our planned fishpond! Whilst out in the woods Rob suffered yet another shock when he bent down to pick up a large piece of stone and was confronted by a scorpion with its tail up in the air ready to pounce! Scared him to death and we now have to be doing research on the dangers of wild life in the countryside.

The photo shows our new acquisition of a "top of the range" sturdy wheelbarrow purchased from the local B & Q (ha ha we found it on our property) but it will see our days out!!

As you can see from photograph it has been a case of laying one stone and having a drink of vino kindly supplied by our neighbour who we have named Batatas Man (potatoes) as he is always down at his plot tending to his potatoes. (No doubt the wall will end up wonky if he keeps supplying us with his home-made vino tinto)!!!!!

Later in the afternoon we took a stroll down to our "local" cafe bar and met a few locals and after much sign language and looking up the words in our portuguese

phrase book came away with eggs, cabbage, potatoes and olive oil!!!

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