Monday 26 October 2015

Door fitted and steps built to rear entrance and curtains for summerhouse

It's been a while since our last post as we have been very busy enjoying the summer with family and friends visiting and holidays and so now the autumn days are with us it is now time to put our working hats firmly back on and get busy! Now that we have achieved our "major jobs" we can catch up on smaller jobs which need doing.

Our last project was the summerhouse and what a bonus that has been ..... a very nice little place to hide-away from the sun in an afternoon with a good book or the internet!!!! I made some curtains, not just for aesthetics but to keep out the flies when we are eating but still need to make some netted curtains for the sides. As soon as the BBQ is lit in the flies come buzzing about ...... so annoying ......we can't think for the life of me why we need flies on the planet!!!

Entrance to the loft renovation

Back in May this year we had some local builders round to take out the existing window and knock the wall out ready for a door to be fitted which would then become the external entrance to the loft renovation. The job was a little too difficult for us as we don't have powerful enough tools and scaffolding!

We then used a local window/door fitting company to have a door made and fit it for us.
We then looked into how we could make a staircase upto the door but to have a metal staircase structure made stretched out pockets a bit so Rob had to come up with another way to make the job cheaper. He decided the most cost effective way would be to build the steps himself out of blocks and cement, then render and tile and paint. A much longer drawn out procedure but it was something he could be do on and off when he felt a surge of motivation during the hot weather!!!
Unfortunately we forgot to take any pictures during the building of the steps but here are pics of the end result. Rob made the metal railings but we did have to get a local welder on site to weld on the hand rail.

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