Tuesday 7 July 2015

Rock Festa in Montes Da Senhora !!!!

What better way is there than to begin the festivities for 2015 by having a rock concert in your own village!!!

The Social Committee for our collective villages in Montes da Senhora organised a Rock Festival on the 3rd April, kicking off at 10 pm on the friday night with 4 live bands. The idea came about, if I am correct, from an event which occurred at the last summer festa in Montes. A group of musicians from our local villages (whom mostly have moved on for work but come back home to Montes for the festas) got together last year for an "impromptu" gig and it was a huge success. And so they came up with the idea of putting on a Rock Festival and widely advertised it, bringing in lots of people to enjoy the gig. Lots of the locals all muck in and help with the organisation, giving their time in serving behind the bar, setting up the gig, designing and printing flyers, etc., etc.,
Four of our English friends living here joined us for a fantastic night out. After watching two bands we had to call it a night at 3 am in the morning, as sadly us Brits are not as "hardy" as our Portuguese amigos who can party on till 7 or 8 in the morning!!!!!!
Unfortunately my camera wouldn't obey my instructions on the night and my photographs were rubbish to say the least but I have downloaded others taken to use for the blog.

And so, a great night was had by all, and big thanks and congratulations to our local guys for all their hard work who made this event a truly fantastic night for many to enjoy - Salude guys!!!

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