Friday 31 October 2014

Good day's fishing on Halloween

Hi everyone, apologies yet again for neglecting our blog, it has been hectic as usual with ongoing work projects, family visits and holidays! We are currently working on four rooms so we will publish photos when things look more finished, which hopefully, won't be too far away. We are hoping to have the whole house completed by around mid March, apart from the Adega (wine cellar) that is, which is next Winter, project!!!!
So back to the fishing today it is my first outing since mid June and I thought I maybe a little rusty so to speak, but no it turned out to be excellent!!! Our Fishing Club has a competition on the 9th of November so I fished for three and a half hours today in practice for the following weekend's event.
I caught around fifty pounds of fish today, 9 carp, the biggest being around 8lbs, 11 crucians, a barbel and a fish I haven't caught here before. It was either a perch or an achega (river bass) not sure yet, which i will have to check it out on the web, it had some pretty meaty teeth on it anyway!
It was nice not to catch any catfish today as normally you have to wade through them and feed off them to get to the better quality fish, the only time I fish for them is on a very hard day when winning weights are going to be unusually low.
So, just a few photos from today and Happy Halloween everyone!!!!

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