Thursday 17 October 2013

The fishery

Hi everyone well at last I can now report that the fishery has finally been dug out with the JCB and the help of some of my nearest and dearest neighbours.
It has been a lifetime ambition of mine to own and run my very own fishery, and only by coming to live in Portugal have I been able to achieve this.
It has taken a full week for the digger to complete the task and now we have to await the winter rainy season(hopefully, I may hasten to add,)to see if the fishery will fill up with water naturally, or whether we will need to line or concrete the ground.
It is a bit of an unknown quantity as some locals have said yes no problem it will retain water whilst others have said not,so fingers crossed I won't have to dig into the piggy bank, or worst case scenario - it may cost another couple of thousand to shutter and concrete only time will tell.
Either way and, ever the optimist, I know in my heart it will become a success as having done more research and networking, there are people lining up waiting to fish.
Obviously it will take time for the fishery to settle down and mature,but I am very happy with the layout of deeper contours combined with shallower parts, and two raised islands with trees and one that will become a submerged island for the fish to bask in and of course breed.
Just a few pics for now with progress reports and more pics in the future .....

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