Friday 1 March 2013

1st Anniversary of our adventure in Portugal

Hi everyone,

We are almost approaching the first year anniversary of our move to our new life here in Central Portugal and both Rob and myself would like to say a massive "thank-you" to all our blog readers. We decided to write this blog before coming to live here in Central Portugal (as we ourselves are avid readers of other peoples)and had gathered lots of interesting and helpful information from fellow bloggers about their daily lives here in Portugal, so we thought for us it was a nice way to be able to keep our friends and family back in the U.K. up-to-date with our antics in a light-hearted fashion, but we have been astonished at the amount of readers we have attracted over the last year from so many different parts of the world.

So far we have had over 2,600 views, as far away as the Phillipines, Russia, USA, South America, Canada, Northern Europe and Asia, We are able to see from the blogger dashboard how many viewers we have had each day and where our audience are viewing from. We would like to remind you all that you can become a member of our blog and leave us comments (hahahaha) so please if, you wish to give us any advice or help, or want any from us, (lol) please feel free to post us any comments you might like to make!!!

We are posting a few of our favourite photos of us taking some "time out" and hope you enjoy looking at them !!!!!

Fun on the quadbike

Out and about

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