Thursday 31 January 2013

SLOW PROGESS .............................

Well we don't seem to have much to report to you on the progress being made at "Casa Oasis" this month !!!! January has been a very difficult month for us as the weather has been unkind (I know we should not be complaining as rain is better than snow and ice!) but it has held up the progress and my new kitchen still seems a million miles away! The rain has been (or seems to have been) incessant with only a few bright sunny days in between and a few weeks ago we had the most horrendous storms, which saw us having winds of up to 110 kilometres an hour (that is in Central Portugal and I believe it was much worse on the coast) and lasting for nearly 2 days which caused an enormous amount of devastation all over Portugal. We were quite fortunate as we had little damage, a few branches breaking off some trees, a few broken pots but nothing structurally was damaged. The gales were so severe many trees were felled causing electric pylons to crash down resulting in lengthy power cuts all over the country. We had a 25 hour power cut but some places in Portugal had 3 days with no power or phone lines so we were relatively lucky. I have now discovered that watching a log fire burning in the dark (with just some candles for ambience!) can be more entertaining that most TV channels on a Saturday evening!!!

The downstairs bedroom was put on hold whilst we began work demolishing the kitchen. As mentioned in our previous post the chiselling off of the kitchen tiles was a complete and utter nightmare. Our poor hands have been battered and bruised to bits but I am now pleased to say all the tile debris and concrete pillars in the kitchen have been dismantled and have now been carted off to the local tip in their bucketfuls and good riddance to them!!!!!! Oh and the wooden kitchen units have come in very useful - they have given us hours of heat burning away on the fire so at least we had a result there!

The only remaining fittings in the kitchen now are the taps which are built into the wall. The plumbing aspect will be a challenge so not looking forward to that one!

All being well we shall be off to Ikea next week to pick up some units ready for installation. Out shopping tomorrow for sink unit and appliances so that will prove interesting!!!! Also have the wall tiles to pick up so it now feels we are making some gradual progress.

We are well and truly glad to see the back of this month but are pleased to say that today, Thursday the 31st January, we have had a beautiful hot sunny day which has certainly given us "the feel-good factor" and has given us a great boost!

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