Tuesday 11 December 2012

Hallway finished at last !!!!!

This job initially looked fairly easy and straight-forward but as usual, we were wrong, it never seems to happen the easy way for us!

After finishing off filling in around the window and door, woodwork and completing the paintwork etc we thought the floor tiling would be a doddle!!! When we have done any kind of tiling previously we have always used a flexible adhesive which is the best kind to use for the extreme temperature changes. What we didn't realise was that it would take about 3 days for the adhesive to dry out. The weather has been a mixture of sunny and rainy days so when it is damp and cold it takes forever for the adhesive to dry. Because the hallway leads to all the rooms Rob had to lay them in a way so as we could have access to all rooms without standing on any of the tiles waiting to dry out.
After a fair amount of stressing out it was decided to go out and purchase some rapid set adhesive to get the job finished before we both "lost the will to live". This speeded up the process and it was then my turn to get down on all fours to do a bit of "grouting". That wasn't easy either but hey ho the job is completed and we can stop walking around like demented crabs!!!!

All we need to do now is to go out shopping to buy some pictures and some new rugs to give the hallway some colour and warmth!!

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