Tuesday 3 April 2012

Domingo day (Sunday)

Hi all at last a long awaited day off on sunday, our first one since arriving three weeks ago,and well earned we think.We spent a lovely morning chilling out at some friends house,and then they came back with us for a quick view of our new home,then out for drinks at our local bar, and afterwards had dinner out,grilled marinated chicken with all the trimmings,followed by pudding, a litre of wine and beers for two all for 15 euro, amazing and, scrummy delicious food,there will be more sundays off were sure!!!!.
Whilst eating we met up with some very nice dutch people who had been driving for two days solid, and were on their way to open up their campsite for the new summer season,it was lovely to meet you and we hope you are reading.
We are currently in the midst of re-tiling our lounge, and ordered the three types of tiles we are using two weeks ago, but so far only the terracotta tiles have turned up, but it doesn't really matter that much as we still have plenty to keep us occupied for the next couple of years!!!.
Our delivery of the pedra (stone) for the patio terrace did arrive though the same day we ordered it (see attached pictures) and we are sure it will look fantastic when we get around to laying it.
By the way if you single click all the attached photos they will expand to full page size.
On tuesday rob's new besty, called Joakim (batatas man)brought us yet another 5 litres of vino ,thats 10 litres in total now!!. He,s a lovely chap in his 70,s and our nextdoor neighbour, his hospitality is amazing love him to bits.
That's all for now, keep viewing to see how we are getting on!

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