Monday 22 October 2018

Albipesca 2018

Hi all just a brief update on my fishing season so far this year. So the competitions have been a little scarce this year mainly due to the extreme weather ie very very hot. First one of the year was a feeder match in February where I took 2nd place with a weight of 14 kilos. Next off was the national individual feeder competition where again i took a 2nd place with a weight of 22 kilo 600g.
On to may when I fished two matches on the pole and again i finished in 2nd place on both of these. I then didn't fish another competition until October where I took a 4th place weighing 34 kilos 850g.
All in all a pleasing run of results and some money banked but it has been very frustrating in terms of number of matches fished, having said that it's understandable with the temperatures hitting up to 49 degrees Celsius throughout the summer and difficult to breathe never mind fish.