Thursday 30 November 2017

Feeder championships portugal

Hi all no doubt a few of you will be getting a bit bored now with the fishing posts,perhaps I need to do a new blog just dedicated to the fishing.
Well it was a real struggle for our team in the feeder champs but it was our first time and most of the team are very inexperienced. We were competing against some of Portugal's best including teams with world champions and national champions so it was tough to say the least, but a greatly enjoyable first entry.
I am certain we will improve on our eighth position next year because we all enjoyed it so much we are now going to dedicate the time needed in practice to ensure a better result.
On a personal level although it brings me little consolation I was the top points scorer for the team in aveiro and peter my good friend was top scorer in coruche, so it was not all doom and gloom.
So we begin our training this weekend again and with luck it really should pay dividends.