Thursday 9 February 2017

Parque verde bonito

Just a quick post here from a fishing session in early February on a cold winters day.The fishing was hard to say the least,but to be expected this time of year.Normally in summer on a good day it's possible to catch around 30 to 40 kilos.

Portugal fishing

Hi everyone well a great start to the year for me besides a new sponsorship i have been invited to fish for the albipesca team in the national championships in Portugal. These take place over two weekends in September and October, and as far as I am aware i will be the first English angler to take part for a Portuguese team. I feel honoured and privileged but also a little nervous as it is a long time since i used to fish the nationals in the UK. We have a practice session in a couple of weeks so i will do an update then.tight lines.