Sunday 24 December 2017

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all our readers from me and my two beautiful girls.

Thursday 30 November 2017

Feeder championships portugal

Hi all no doubt a few of you will be getting a bit bored now with the fishing posts,perhaps I need to do a new blog just dedicated to the fishing.
Well it was a real struggle for our team in the feeder champs but it was our first time and most of the team are very inexperienced. We were competing against some of Portugal's best including teams with world champions and national champions so it was tough to say the least, but a greatly enjoyable first entry.
I am certain we will improve on our eighth position next year because we all enjoyed it so much we are now going to dedicate the time needed in practice to ensure a better result.
On a personal level although it brings me little consolation I was the top points scorer for the team in aveiro and peter my good friend was top scorer in coruche, so it was not all doom and gloom.
So we begin our training this weekend again and with luck it really should pay dividends.

Monday 16 October 2017


Well its been a great season on the fishing front having now won money on 11 of the 13 competions I've fished.
Just under two weeks to go until i finally get to fish the national Portuguese feeder championships. Looking forward to this its been a long wait.
The first two events are in aviero with the final two in coruche so rest assured i will inform you in due course of the results. Fingers crossed it will be successful for our team on our first venture.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

New fishing season.

Hi all just a quick update on the first month of the match fishing. I have fished two competitions so far with a third place finish and a fourth place finish.
Not a bad start really as i have achieved two pay days out of two, winning 50 euro and 40 euro respectively. I feel the first win is just around the corner and have been catching up to 150 lbs of carp in my four hour practice sessions.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Albipesca polyball.

Hi all well we are now less than two weeks away from the new fishing season and to say i am excited would be understated!!!.
Everything is prepped and ready to go,and i really need to be on it this season as my sponsor KND (keepnets direct uk) will be hoping for good results from me.
I have had some great practice sessions in the so called closed season trying out a few new methods etc so it will be interesting to see how they perform on match days.
Fingers crossed and tight lines to all.

Thursday 9 March 2017

albipesca february

Hi all well yet again another fishing blog for all you anglers out there, and again a brief one at that.
I had a quick practice session midweek just to try out a few different baits more than anything,i have been patiently waiting for a little upturn in temperature so i could try an old but equally great winter bait bread or to be more specific to those of us that are in the know Warburtons.
I fished the 8 meter line for two n a half hours and had around 15 kilos of carp on punched bread,not a huge weight but none the less a nice session considering the carp are wild here not f1s and are quite cagey in the winter months.
Luckily i had my better half with me to capture some pics so thanks caz you did a great job (under protest) i may add!!!!!!.
Also last week i managed to fit a training session in with albipesca my fishing club on the feeder as we will be competing in the national championships of portugal in cabacao in september and vila real in october. We have 6 members including me who will represent our club in the nationals and i hope we can achieve a little success.I caught around 20 kilos fishing to the fips rules which i have to say are alien to me but alas have to be adhered to so as to make ot fair to everyone,but unfortunately for me i have a way bigger spectrum of techniques i could use but am not allowed.
I have a club competition this sunday 12th march the first this year so looking forward to that especially as it is forecast to be 21 degrees and sunny yippee.
That,s all for now catch you later.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Parque verde bonito

Just a quick post here from a fishing session in early February on a cold winters day.The fishing was hard to say the least,but to be expected this time of year.Normally in summer on a good day it's possible to catch around 30 to 40 kilos.

Portugal fishing

Hi everyone well a great start to the year for me besides a new sponsorship i have been invited to fish for the albipesca team in the national championships in Portugal. These take place over two weekends in September and October, and as far as I am aware i will be the first English angler to take part for a Portuguese team. I feel honoured and privileged but also a little nervous as it is a long time since i used to fish the nationals in the UK. We have a practice session in a couple of weeks so i will do an update then.tight lines.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Charming village of Monsanto

We have been out and about during the Christmas break and one trip took us to a village in the granite mountain of Monsanto.
The village, in 1938, was named as "the most Portuguese village of Portugal" in a class of twelve classified historic villages in Portugal, but in my opinion it is more of a unique village rather than "the most Portuguese" village in Portugal.

It dates back to the Roman times, with the fortress being built on the granite mountain and where the village was developed in between impressively big and miraculously balanced boulders using the as roofs.

Monsanto is a lovely tourist village, well worth a visit for the climb up the rocky mountain up to the ruins of the castle fortress and then the walk down into the village which has cafes and restaurants with amazing 360 degrees views.