Tuesday 20 December 2016

Finally decided to fit a log burner!!!!

Well after 5 years we have finally installed a log burner. We have previously looked into it but decided against it because the situ of the open fireplace would not allow us to have a back boiler fitted which would have enabled us to have run a central heating system from it. The reason being that behind the fireplace there are steps leading down into the basement and it would have been impossible to fix a boiler there so we were sort of put off the idea of having a log burner. However, common sense eventually prevailed and we decided that we were losing too much heat from the fire going more up the chimney than into the room. Also because the fireplace is large we were burning way too much wood and by the time the room was nice and cosy it was time for bed!

And so we went to look at burners and found one almost instantly with a delivery arranged for the next day. I could tell you the story of the delivery and I feel like "naming and shaming" the company who supplied it but it's Christmas so I will let that one go. Obviously they aren't easy items to deliver with the burner itself weighing 160 kgs but hey ho over that panto now thanks to some strong guys from our local builders merchants!!!!

The first job was to remove the cast iron backplate, take out the existing firebricks and remove a few of the marble stones so the burner could be placed lower down to the ground level. Rob then had to refit new fire bricks and render the back and sides. We asked a local welder to make us a steel plate which was cut to size to fit and a hole cut for the chimney flue to slide up in the open space above the fire.

Photo of the removal of the existing bricks and fireplace.

Replacing new firebricks

Inserting the chimney flue and then fitting the steel top plate

Once the flue had been inserted Rob had a bit of rendering to do at the back and sides of the fireplace. It was impossible for Rob and myself to lift the fire into place so once again the guys from the builder's merchant came to the rescue and help lift the burner into place!!! As there was very little manouvreability space at the sides of the burner it was only once the fire was in place that Rob could finish off with the firebricks and tiling the top of the hearth.

And finally all we can say is that we really regret not installing a log burner in 5 years ago! It throws out so much more heat and the consumption of logs is much much smaller! Well happy !!!!

Talaguira fishing season

As the fishing season is almost over for this year just a small recap on how things worked out. To say it has been only my first full season at Talaguira the results have gone really well. All in all I've achieved four wins, three 2nd places and four 3rd places. Hopefully next season i can improve on it as i have had more practice this year on the venue and feel on top of it now. Strangely i have only drawn one peg all season on the matches that i actually fancied so i feel with better luck at the drawbag i can be a bigger success. Had some great weights in the four hour timespans going up to 140 lbs. Also to finish my year on a real high i will be sponsored for next year by a UK fishing company. Happy days.

"Lazy Bloggers"

Hello everyone !!!

Well it's been a good time since we last did a post! I am afraid there are no excuses other than we have just been plain lazy!!!!

We did have a lovely summer and made the most of it by using the local river beaches and socialising which really does take up a lot of your time!!!! However now the winter months have set it you find yourself with more time to spare cosying next to the log burner which is going to be the subject of our next post so look out for that one soon.

Just in case Christmas should come before the next blog we would like to wish all our readers a Very Merry Christmas and a healthy, prosperous and Happy New Year. Boas Festas

Some photos from the summer album