Friday 25 July 2014

Another garden feature ......

Everything here grows so fast, it's really time consuming and back-breaking and that's just keeping up with the weeds, not to mention the veggies!

Looking out from our veranda onto the garden the right-hand side there still needs a fair bit of work to finish it off as to how we want it. At a later stage we plan to build a brick summer kitchen down the wall side and we shall use the metal frame structure which was originally attached to the garden shed we renovated last year and turn it into a greenhouse. So with the pond, the BBQ and the raised veggie plots all finished off we need to deal with the "in-between" bits of garden.

I have just been looking at some photos taken in March last year and have amazed myself at the massive change in it's appearance over the last 16 months. The raised veggie beds help keep down the dreaded weeds but the "in-between" bit is a task and a half getting rid of them. During the winter they grow at a tremendous rate so we have dug out the weeds and will keep on doing it until later in the autumn we shall sow grass seeds to give it a more pleasant and appealing look and hopefully more easily maintainable.

This picture is looking at the garden from the veranda at the right-hand side, taken about March 2013.

Picture taken today.
We have just harvested potatoes from the empty veggie bed, so no more buying spuds for a good while! First time growing them and we are very pleased with the results. They taste lovely.
We have just finished off a little patio area, leaving a central hole to put up a sun parasol (which has yet to be purchased, hopefully this weekend). We used locally obtained granite sets and after laying a concrete base, cemented them in.

A few pics of the house and garden