Thursday 5 September 2013

The bathroom saga continues!!

Hi all, well we are now into our 7th week of working on our new bathroom and before you all fall about laughing and exclaim seven weeks let me explain the reasons why.
This is the way things have panned out, and anyone living in portugal will have a little sympathy and understanding of how frustrating it can be at times.
D,ont get me wrong this was a big project to start with and things d,ont always go to plan.
first off out came the sink bidet and cast iron bath, which looking back was quite comical as i had to drag the bath through the house on a blanket bloody heavy they are on your own and then i had to slide it along the verandah and down the exterior stairs( i hope no one was secretly watching and laughing at me, only the goats eh!!.).
Anyway old suite out and two walls to knock down which resulted in around fifty buckets of rubble being disposed of down my kind neighbours outside well.
I then re concreted the floor where the bath had been sunk and left a space for two new pipes to come through for the plumbing.i made a lovely job of screeding the floor ready for re tiling and then call the plumber to fit new pipes.
Now to the fun and games part, said plumber arrives refuses to solder two new pipes saying original pipes are wrong size, (What i say flabbergasted) but oh no we have to then have three quarters of the concrete floor ripped out for two said pipes and a new soil pipe, more mess more rubble and of course i had to re concrete the floor afterwards.
On the work side everything else has been relatively easy i rebuilt a new wall for the double shower and proceeded to re tile the walls.
So to recap on the timing issues materials here are sometimes extremely difficult to resource and have involved roughly seven to ten outings into the main city, about ten trips to the builders yard and even a nine hour round trip to lisbon thrown in.
We have used 30 metres of polished stone tiles on the walls all eight walls i may add here, 200 kilos of adhesive,15 metres of stainless steel tile trims and two different types of tiles on the floors.The toilet, shower and vanity units have all had to be bought at separate places to achieve the look we wanted.
We are now onto our fourth newly purchased (specialised) drill bits as drilling the said polished stone tiles is an absolute mare, even the plumber failed an attempt with his top of the range pnuematic all singing all dancing mega expensive drill, more fun and games.
So whilst the sun has had its hat on averaging around 40 degrees,we have,nt seen it suntans have all but disappeared,but he ho we nearly have a bathroom, i reckon about another full week will see it off,so eight weeks in total of hard graft and frustrations, cant wait to finally end standing on the kitchen sink for my strip wash and showing my bits off to all and sundry and take a lovely relaxing shower and return to normality.
Luvly jubly...... pics to follow soon (the new bathroom that is) not me and my bits!!!!!!!!.