Wednesday 3 April 2013

The Dams Are Full ..............

In our last blog we told you about the colossal amount of rainfall Portugal has had this winter and to give you an idea of what a difference it has made to the rivers, I am posting a few pictures we took today down at Froia River Beach and a few from last summer! This River Beach is only 5 minutes away from us and is very popular in the summer with locals and tourists using the river beach for bathing and sunbathing, having BBQ's and picnics.

Last summer after the drought of the winter, Froia River Beach almost ran dry, which was such a shame as there is a lovely restaurant with outside terracing and we like to go there for a coffee in the afternoon and people watch. There are some lovely BBQ and picnic areas and beautiful walks. In the summer families, from babies to the grannies all go together to have a "family day outre ".

We read in the newspaper that almost all the Dams in Portugal (and there are many) are mostly 95% full whereas this time last year some were less than a quarter full!!!!!!!

These are a couple of pictures I took last summer when the river was empty:-