Thursday 7 February 2013

Third Bedroom Photos

As promised in an earlier post we can now show you some photos of the third bedroom. Our other two bedrooms have been decorated in a modern style so we decided to use pedra which is traditional Portuguese stone on two walls and stiple painted the other two walls in magnolia to give it a bit of a "rustic look". We have laid the floor in ceramic tiles and added a couple of rugs. This bedroom is the coolest in the summer and the warmest in the winter so I'm thinking this may well be our main bedroom!

Before ........

After ...............

I am also very excited to be able to tell you that our first kitchen shopping trip to Ikea has been accomplished and we are now in possession of the wall cabinets and one base unit and even more pleased to be able to say the first units are already installed!!!! So watch this space for news on our long awaited kitchen!!!!!!!!